Individual  Support 
  (Formerly Silver Valley Habitat)







Help us defeat the dragon of inadequate housing


Volunteer Opportunities with SVFCH

            Even though smaller population based organizations like ours often build more homes per capita they are usually needing volunteers at all times.  They especially need leaders so that they can use the volunteers they have.  An example of this is the need for construction supervisors.  It is not unusual for a small organizations to have a construction supervisor who has been handling the construction for years and would like to do something else but can’t find a replacement.  Similar circumstances often occur on the board and committee levels.

            Below is a list of some volunteer opportunities at SVFCH.  
Board of Directors - Family Selection - Partnership - Church Relations - Construction Committee - Construction - Fund Raising - Public Relations - Site Selection - Volunteer Coordinator

See also more information for the Board of Directors and CommitteesIf you see something you would like to do, please contact your us at PO Box 338, Smelterville, ID 83868, or phone 208-786-6013, or email at


BOARD OF DIRECTORS            TIME NEEDED                        SKILLS NEEDED

director                                      a few hrs/month                       enthusiasm, judgment, committed to the Fuller Center's mission

secretary                                    a few hrs/month                       writing and listening skills

treasurer                                    a few hrs/month                       desire to serve

bookkeeper trainee                   a few days/month                     desire to serve


FAMILY SELECTION                  TIME NEEDED                       SKILLS NEEDED

member                                    13 hours during                     communication &

                                                 a 3 month period                   decision making skills

PARTNERSHIP                          TIME NEEDED                       SKILLS NEEDED

member                                  about two hrs/month             all members need knowledge of Partnership Manual

family sponsor                       a day or so a month                 people skills & knowledge of Partnership Manual


CHURCH RELATIONS                TIME NEEDED                       SKILLS NEEDED

member                                    a few hrs per month                 communications



member                                    a few hrs per month                 desire to serve


CONSTRUCTION                           TIME NEEDED                       SKILLS NEEDED

Construction Supervisor                depends on project                construction & management

construction supervisor trainee   a few hundred hrs per yr        previous experience

closet installer trainee                  a few days/yr.                         desire to learn

laborer                                         volunteers choice                    desire to help

materials procurer trainee            several wks/yr                         desire to learn

site preparation trainee                a few weeks per yr                  desire to learn; people skills

skilled worker                               volunteers choice                    use of carpentry tools

stainer - closet doors & trim         a few days/yr                           desire to help


GREATER BLESSINGS                  TIME NEEDED                       SKILLS NEEDED

 member                                    a few hours  per month       enthusiasm, judgment, committed to the Fuller Center's mission



booth organizer                           several days esp. in summer    organization & communications

secretary                                      a few hrs/month                       note taking

co-committee Chair                      3 hrs/month                             organization & promotional

committee member                       3 hrs/month                             desire to serve

concert organizer                        4 (?) hrs/month                        organization & promotional

Gifts-in-Kind solicitor                   several hrs/mo.                         promotional & PR

pickup and delivery Person          several hrs/mo.                        PR & vehicle/ pick up

main event chair trainees             several days during year              organizational

main event helpers                    several times during a year            desire to serve


PUBLIC RELATIONS                  TIME NEEDED                       SKILLS NEEDED

co-chair                                     2 to 3 hrs/wk                           organization & communication

Facebook programmer    several hours per month            internet, graphics & Facebook expertise

committee member                    2 hrs/month                            ability to promote public awareness

newsletter editor                   a week or so per issue            knowledge of grammar & journalism

newsletter format trainee          4 hrs per month                      desire to learn

newsletter writer                       a few hrs/month                     communications

pre-event publicist chair            several hrs/month                  organization & communications

    for newspapers                      several hrs/month                  see above

    for radio                                 several hrs/month                  see above

post-event reporters                  a few hrs/month                     see above

    for newspapers                      several hrs/month                  see above

    for radio                                 several hrs/month                  see above

    for TV stations                       a few hrs/year                        see above

public speakers chair trainee     a few hrs/month                    communications

public speakers                          a few hrs/month                    communications

secretary                                    a few hrs/month                    note taking


SITE SELECTION                       TIME NEEDED                       SKILLS NEEDED

member                                      a few days per yr                    alert for new sites



Coordinator                                 Several hours/week             Computer, organizational, phone skills

Phone helpers                            couple hours/week                Phone Skills


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