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Partnerships Opportunities
How Will it Help Me or My Company |
Center for Housing covenant partners are non-profit organizations recognized by the IRS
under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue codes.
Each local partner, in its drive for funds, must raise many
thousands of dollars to build even one home.
Your firm can make a donation
locally to Silver Valley FCH or the
Fuller Center for Housing, Inc. an international housing ministry--you can
designate where you wish your funds to go.
payments on these homes roll over into the construction fund for more
local homes thus increasing our ability to serve the Silver Valley.
When these homes are
sold to our homeowners they become part of the tax base for the
area--contributing to funding for local infrastructure.
to SVFCH will be listed on the Appreciation
Here is
some of a crew from
Coeur d’Alene’s Target Store that traveled 60 miles to paint
this Habitat home.
by Bunton Studios
Firm Can Partner With Us By
a Full House Sponsor.
Either financially and/or by
constructing the home.
a Portion of a Home. You
select what section you prefer to sponsor and/or construct. |
a Work Team during Home
Construction. This helps bond your employees together.
Materials. Construction or office materials are sorely needed.
Financially. We accept stocks and other liquid securities as well as cash.
Pro Bono Donations. Accounting,
Computer Technical Support Services, Construction
Leadership, Estate Appraisals and Sales, Investment and Estate
Planning, Legal Services, Professional subcontractors, etc.
an Idaho Group to Help Build Homes in Third World Countries.
These trips create unforgettable memories.
Prepare to be changed!
Warehouse Space .
We often have to forgo accepting materials for lack of storage.
a Fundraiser for SVFCH. These
can also be fun raisers. |
Committee Members. Although low
population based affiliates often build more home per population than
larger affiliates, they almost always need more volunteers.
are committees for Church Relations, Construction, Family Partnering,
Family Selection, Finance, Hospitality, Public Relations, Resource
Development, Site Selection and Volunteers.
For more detail in this area see Volunteer Opportunities.
Another Way to Help Us.
Coordinate with us and do your own thing!
your firm would like more information on the above partnering
possibilities or would like a Speaker
to visit your group please contact us at Silver Valley Fuller Center
for Housing, PO Box 874, Kellogg, ID 83837 or email us at silvervalleyidaho@fullercenter.org |
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